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ATF is attempting to reclassify large caliber ammunition again. If you received a letter like this or have had inventory seized, please drop us a note by clicking here. |
The NFATCA proudly endorses FFLBoss for all of our member licensees

J&T Dist./DoubleStar

eForms Getting Faster! The NFATCA has been directly involved with ATF's NFA Division in developing and improving the eForms system. The ATF Program Manager highlights a goal of 90 day approvals! Stay tuned...
Amnesty Now Additional NFA Amnesty registration periods are already the law of the land. Click the hot button to learn how you can be a part of the solution.

BOLD Agenda NFATCA efforts are measured in the long term. We know that nothing happens instantly and we rolled out our ambitious plan at SHOT Show in January:
NFA Handbook DONE
Eliminate CLEO DONE
- Another Amnesty Registration
- Repeal the Hughes Amendment
- Remove Suppressors from NFA
- Remove Short-Barelled Weapons from NFA
- Roll Back ITAR, eliminate or reduce
As we approach our twentieth year, we know that there is no such thing as a flash in the pan or a quick hit. Eliminating the CLEO approval process took a decade. “Watching grass grow is exciting. This is like watching dry paint fade.”
The NFATCA is a 501(c)(6) organization incorporated to get things done on behalf of the entire NFA community of collectors, dealers, manufacturers and importers. We work with legislators, regulators and stakeholders, on a daily basis, to ensure that the things that matter to our community are addressed. We do not flood your mailbox with junk, we do not jump at every hiccup. We take our time to methodically insure that your interests are fairly and properly represented.
Web site and all contents Copyright NFATCA(r) 2003-2021, All rights reserved. The NFATCA logo is a registered trademark.
Fraud Alert!
Please be aware that there is currently a surprising rise in the use of fraudulent FFL and SOT documentation. You should ALWAYS use ATF's FFL EZ Check utility to validate presented FFL's. Also, contact NFA Branch immediately if you believe that you are being presented with suspicious documents or forms for NFA transfers and purchases.
Upcoming Events
Knob Creek Spring Shoot, April, 2021, West Point KY is cancelled.
NRA Annual Meeting, September 3 - 5, Houston TX